Master Data & File Formats With R

Guten Tag! 👋 

Many greetings from Munich, Germany. Did you ever try to load a data set into R only to find that

  • the data is mess,

  • the data types are all wrong,

  • missing values are weirdly encoded,

  • you don’t know how to handle a particular file format, or

  • the data has left you wondering how to rearrange everything into a usable format?

All of these things are very common things that many R users struggle with. Including yours truly. Heck, I still remember how often I’ve been furious about not being able to add some numbers only because the numbers were actually loaded into R as characters instead of numbers 🤦

The good news is that issues like this can be circumvented. But you do have to know how to look for these potential issues and how to address them properly.

That’s why I’m super happy to share that my Data Cleaning Master Class just released 21 new video lessons that teach you how to:

  • Handle the most common file formats (like csv, tsv, JSON and even xlsx),

  • Load them into R using the correct data formats, and

  • Rearrange and merge data sets that have your information scattered all over the place.

These things took me years to figure out and I’m happy to have collected them all in one place. And the best part: The course is currently priced at ~40% off.

But I’ve decided to add another discount on top of that. For the next 7 days you can apply a promo code on the checkout page of the course. It is:

15%-OFF promo code: PART2RELEASE

Ready to unlock easier data cleaning and file handling? Start with the new videos today.

I’ll be back over the next couple of days with more information on the new videos (and I’ll throw in a bunch of freebies for everyone, of course.) In the meantime, check out the jam-packed & ambitious learning path that the course has in store for you.

Happy to have you onboard,


or to participate.